Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hi sorry I haven't posted in a while... Anyways This is now going to be my topic...

Swimming I do swimming! It is really fun I don't do the lesson kind I do the competitive kind which is really cool youget to go to different places to swim against other people. So today I had swimming and we had to do a 500 IM. Which is when you do 125m of butterfly then back stroke then breast stroke then front stoke. It is really hard. Our pool is not as small as backyard pools Oh NO it is much larger then that it is 25m long! So 125m is 5 lenghs of the pool. I am really exitesd for a meet that is coming up on sunday! I am going there. Anyways tha is pretty much my swim life I have to go beacause I am of tp watch American Idol It is a good show.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gym Class

In my school we do Gym like most classes.  Today we started something new. 
Guess what it is... If you guessed... SWING DANCING then you are right! 
It is so much  fun.  All you do is try to get the steps right and laugh with your 
friends when you make a mistake.  How fun is that?  So much!!! The steps we 
did today were simple but they will get a lot harder.  There is so many twist and 
turns that I think my feet will get tied up in nots!  Ahhhhhhhhhhh!  Have a 
good after school.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I um... like um... monkeys um... bananas um... and uh... fruit. (I also really like chocolate and Hot Cocoa)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Okay so I go on a walk with the dog. (bro comes too) Anyways We find these really cool igloo like things.  There are only two left because the other ones were all killed, torn down you know what I mean. So we go In them. They are Huge.  I turns out that grade fives built them in school.  I wish I was there.  These igloo like things are called Quincees.  They are big mounds of snow that is hollowed out inside.  you can go in them and it is warmer in there then outside.  The snow is like a wall from the wind.  It is really cool.  I've made one with my friend once. It was really cool and big. We also made tunnels which are really fun to make too.  Next time your outside and it is good snow you should try making one.  With your parents permission to go inside it.  HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND ! 

Friday, February 6, 2009

Homework :-(

I really don't like Homework!  Do you?  I think it is the worst thing. I mean you spend all day at school doing work then you come home and have to do more work.  I doesn't make sense.  I have math homework this weekend.  NOT FUN!  I have to do extra practice 4 & 5.  I mean come on that is too whole pages of MATH! I wish there was No More Homework in the World!

My New Blog

Hi!  This is a new blog!  I will try to post as many times as I can.  They will be times that I don't post a lot. So if that does happen soon I am very very sorry.  I hope that you will like this blog. I will try to keep things interesting.