Monday, April 20, 2009

Short forms

Here they are like I said on my last post...

people = ppl

please = plz

talk to you later = ttyl

For yoour information = fyi

Got to go = g2g or gtg

be right back = brb

okay = k

you = u

and so on if you have any you can think of tell me on a comment if u have a question about one you heard tell me on a comment an I can tell u!

A post

Hey from now on most of the time I will be saying random things k???   Comment if you don't like it k?  so...  I am wondering why ppl are leaving random comments that have nothing to do about my post if you do that I am going to ask you to stop!  So... ppl who do that plz stop!!  F.Y.I don't worry I will leave a list on my next post of the kind of short forms you can use on e-mails and stuff like that.